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Sync lips in a video to any audio
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Video Lipsyncing

Sync your lips with any video using this model. Similar to methods such as Wav2Lip but with much higher quality.

Note 1: The processing time depends on video resolution and video length but a general rule of thumb is that it takes ~13 seconds to generate a single second of video.

Note 2: To speedup inference times, you can trigger booleans to cut resolution and fps of the output video by half.

Other tips:

  • Ensure there are no abrupt scene cuts in the video
  • Ensure there is only a single person in the video
  • Ensure the person is facing the camera
  • Ensure the person is not wearing any accessories that cover the mouth (e.g. mask, scarf, etc.)
  • Ensure the person is not moving their head too much
  • Ensure the person is at at most arms length from the camera

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